Monday, December 15, 2008

For my Mom and Dad

Yesterday, my mother died unexpectedly. I was shocked when my youngest sister called to tell me. My Mom was only 81, and while not in the best of health, she was doing pretty good.

My Dad died just this past February.

As I am sitting here trying to work all I can think of is how much I miss my parents and all the selfless things they did for us five kids. They started with nothing and gave us their love, faith, unity, guidance, values, self esteem, ambition, and an education so we could become who we are today. What more can a child ask for? I have so many wonderful memories but it's not the same as them being with us. Later.


Barbara said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mother passing away. I know how that feels especially around Christmas as my Dad died in the month of December (several years back) very close to Christmas. May God be with you in this time of grief.

Catz Dezignz said...

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. My mom was a good woman with a strong faith. I'm sure she went straight to heaven.